Friday, 28 August 2015

Top 10 Best Facebook Acount Hacking Trick


  • Facebook Hack Methods :
  • 1- Phishing=send a fake fb login page to the victim & u’ll receive the input results
  • 2-access token=create a fake fb app like (who misses u a lot) or (ur top 10 chatters) & u’ll access the msgs & so on without the psw
  • 3-keylogger=a program that records the keyboard stokes including the psw when it’s typed
  • 4-rat=remote administration tool i-e a hack tool that creates a trojan virus or a backdoor 2 take a full control of the victim’s pc ;; the best is njRAT
  • 5-Brute force= Based on A dictionnary attack i-e use a program with a wordlist 2 keep tryin billions of passwords on the victim’s account
  • 6-dns spoofing=works only on lan(local area network) i-e redirect the clients in the network from the official fb page 2 our fake one
  • 7-tabnapping=works on lan too i-e sniff the passwords in the network by taking advantage of poodle exploit through downgrading the open ssl https 2 http & receive the psw in a clear text (ssl v0.3 vuln)
  • 8-payload php=hack a website & upload a php payload in it & make sure that the victim visits that website
  • 9-zero day attack=chat with the victim (1 msg is enough) 2 get the ip address & attack his devise i-e pc android or ios therefor get the full control … best program is Armitage
  • 10-exploit database=hack facebook database through the available exploits in its attack fater (shell shock last week) & login 2 the dbs & look 4 the wanted psw

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